Obywatel Kane godziny emisji w telewizji, obsada, kiedy leci i gdzie obejrzeć

Zdjęcie Obywatel Kane
Plakat Obywatel Kane

Obywatel Kane w TV - najbliższe emisje

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Emisja Obywatel Kane będzie miała miejsce (premiera, powtórka):

Program TV na 28 marca 2025 (Piątek)
03:30 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)

Opis (streszczenie): „Obywatel Kane”, jest uważany przez wielu krytyków za najlepszy film wszechczasów. Był nominowany do dziewięciu Oscarów, ale uzyskał tylko jedną statuetkę: za najlepszy scenariusz oryginalny. Film, który wyprodukowano i wyreżyserowano z udziałem Orsona Wellesa, analizuje życie i spuściznę Charlesa Fostera Kane'a, tajemniczego magnata prasowego.

Czas trwania: 155min. / 1941
Program TV na 5 kwietnia 2025 (Sobota)
06:15 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 150min. / 1941
Program TV na 13 kwietnia 2025 (Niedziela)
09:55 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Program TV na 26 kwietnia 2025 (Sobota)
09:05 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Program TV na 4 maja 2025 (Niedziela)
07:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)

Opis filmu Obywatel Kane

Kiedy 76-letni Charles Foster Kane, magnat prasowy, na łożu śmierci wypowiada jedno, jedyne słowo, "Różyczka", wszyscy zgromadzeni w ogromnym zamku Kane'a Xanadu popadają w konsternację. Nawet przeprowadzona przez grupę dziennikarzy wnikliwa analiza kronik filmowych nie daje odpowiedzi na pytanie, co oznacza owa enigmatyczna "Różyczka". Ani w życiu publicznym Kane'a, ani jego życiu towarzyskim i zawodowym nie można znaleźć rozwiązania dręczącej wszystkich zagadki. Jeden z reporterów postanawia rozszyfrować znaczenie tego słowa.
Strona zawiera informacje na temat godzin emisji (czyli kiedy leci) dla Obywatel Kane. Jeżeli stacje telewizyjne planują w najbliższym czasie nadać audycję (premiera, powtórki) w sekcji najbliższe emisje umieszczone są informacje na temat jakiego dnia, o której godzinie oraz na jakiej antenie można obejrzeć program. W przypadku braku Obywatel Kane w ramówkach jakiekogokolwiek kanału wyświetlona jest lista poprzednich emisji z ostatnich 30 dni. Brak informacji na temat poprzednich i przyszłych wyświetleń oznacza, że żadna z ponad 180 stacji obecnych w programie telewizyjnym naziemna.info, nie nadawała audycji i nie planuje tego w najbliższym czasie. Na stronie znajdują się informacje na temat tego kiedy będą powtórki lub kiedy będzie powtórka audycji Obywatel Kane.

Poprzednie emisje Obywatel Kane w telewizji

Emisja Obywatel Kane miała miejsce:

2024-12-15 07:25 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2024-09-25 02:20 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2024-03-06 03:25 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2024-02-11 03:30 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2023-12-27 03:30 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2023-12-01 03:30 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2023-08-12 06:20 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2023-08-06 14:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2023-07-02 08:45 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2023-05-06 06:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 145min. / 1941
2022-11-26 06:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2022-07-03 06:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 151min. / 1941
2022-04-03 06:05 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2022-01-26 02:50 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2021-11-19 03:10 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2021-09-02 03:20 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 135min. / 1941
2021-08-20 02:55 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 140min. / 1941
2021-05-09 11:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2021-02-10 02:30 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 115min. / 1941
2020-03-14 06:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2020-01-03 06:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2019-12-24 06:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2019-10-11 04:00 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 125min. / 1941
2019-10-06 06:05 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
2019-09-09 03:30 Obywatel Kane Logo Warner TV (d. TNT)
Czas trwania: 120min. / 1941

Informacje dodatkowe o Obywatel Kane

Film Obywatel Kane (tytuł oryginalny: Citizen Kane) z roku 1941.

Czas trwania [minuty] 119
Premiera filmu 1941-04-17
Budżet filmu 0,84(MLN $)
Przychody filmu 23,22(MLN $)
Reżyseria Orson Welles
Scenariusz Orson Welles
Herman J. Mankiewicz
Obsada Orson Welles (Charles Foster Kane) Joseph Cotten (Jedediah Leland) Dorothy Comingore (Susan Alexander Kane) Ray Collins (Jim W. Gettys) George Coulouris (Walter Parks Thatcher) Agnes Moorehead (Mary Kane) Paul Stewart (Raymond) Ruth Warrick (Emily Norton Kane) Erskine Sanford (Herbert Carter) William Alland (Jerry Thompson/Narrator) Everett Sloane (Mr. Bernstein) Fortunio Bonanova (Signor Matiste) Gus Schilling (John) Philip Van Zandt (Mr. Rawlston) Georgia Backus (Bertha Anderson) Harry Shannon (Jim Kane) Sonny Bupp (Charles Foster Kane III) Buddy Swan (Young Charles Foster Kane) Gregg Toland (Interviewer) Don Ackerman (Man at Party in Everglades (uncredited)) Gino Corrado (Gino (uncredited)) Maurice Costello (Extra (uncredited)) Demetrius Alexis (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Gene Coogan (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Art Dupuis (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Rudy Germane (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Mike Lally (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Walter Lawrence (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) John Northpole (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Victor Romito (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Bob Terry (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) William Alston (Man at Xanadu Great Hall (uncredited)) Jack Gargan (Man at Xanadu Great Hall (uncredited)) Bert Moorhouse (Man at Xanadu Great Hall (uncredited)) Carmen Laroux (Maid in Xanadu Hall (uncredited)) Sam Ash (Man at Boat Dock (uncredited)) Buddy Messinger (Man at Boat Dock (uncredited)) Terrance Ray (Man at Boat Dock (uncredited)) Sally Corner (Woman at Boat Dock (uncredited)) Walter Bacon (City Room Employee (uncredited)) Herbert Corthell (City Editor (uncredited)) Harry A. Bailey (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Danny Borzage (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) J.J. Clark (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Tom Coleman (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Carl Deloro (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Jack Egan (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Robert Haines (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Ludwig Lowry (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) John McCormack (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Hercules Mendez (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Paddy O'Flynn (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Sam Rice (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Don Roberts (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Larry Wheat (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Larry Williams (Man Singing at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Joan Blair (Georgia (uncredited)) Morgan Brown (Servant (uncredited)) Harry Burkhardt (Wedding Guest (uncredited)) Edmund Cobb (Inquirer Reporter (uncredited)) Eddie Coke (Reporter (uncredited)) Louis Natheaux (Reporter (uncredited)) Arthur O'Connell (Reporter (uncredited)) Guy Repp (Reporter (uncredited)) Tom Steele (Reporter (uncredited)) Richard Wilson (Reporter (uncredited)) Louise Currie (Reporter at Xanadu (uncredited)) Walter Sande (Reporter at Xanadu (uncredited)) Jan Wiley (Reporter at Xanadu (uncredited)) Milton Kibbee (Reporter at Wedding (uncredited)) Buck Mack (Reporter at Boat Deck (uncredited)) Alan Ladd (Reporter Smoking Pipe at End (uncredited)) Thomas A. Curran (Teddy Roosevelt (uncredited)) Jack Curtis (Boss Printer (uncredited)) George Noisom (Copy Boy (uncredited)) Gerald Pierce (Copy Boy Delivering Message in Chicago Hotel Room (uncredited)) Dona Dax (House Maid (uncredited)) George DeNormand (Newspaperman at Trenton Town Hall (uncredited)) Bud Geary (Newspaperman at Trenton Town Hall (uncredited)) Bert LeBaron (Newspaperman at Trenton Town Hall (uncredited)) Clyde McAtee (Newspaperman at Trenton Town Hall (uncredited)) Cyril Ring (Newspaperman at Trenton Town Hall (uncredited)) Roland Winters (Newspaperman at Trenton Town Hall (uncredited)) Lew Harvey (Newspaperman (uncredited)) Herman J. Mankiewicz (Newspaperman (uncredited)) Eddie Dew (Man in Projection Room (uncredited)) Perc Launders (Man in Projection Room (uncredited)) John Dilson (Ward Heeler (uncredited)) Walter James (Ward Heeler (uncredited)) Robert Dudley (Photographer (uncredited)) Suzanne Dulier (French Maid (uncredited)) Al Eben (Solly (uncredited)) Johnny Eckert (Car-Driver (uncredited)) Carl Ekberg (Adolf Hitler (uncredited)) Edith Evanson (Leland's Nurse (uncredited)) Carl Faulkner (Hermann Goring (uncredited)) Juanita Fields (Dancer (uncredited)) Edna Mae Jones (Dancer (uncredited)) Leda Nicova (Dancer (uncredited)) Jolane Reynolds (Dancer (uncredited)) Suzanne Ridgway (Dancer (uncredited)) Olin Francis (Expressman (uncredited)) Louise Franklin (Susan's Maid (uncredited)) Renee Godfrey (Nurse (uncredited)) Peter Gowland (Guest (uncredited)) Jimmy Grant (Man at Party in Everglades (uncredited)) Jesse Graves (Joseph (uncredited)) Ernest Grooney (Man on Hospital Roof (uncredited)) Jack Gwynne (Man on Hospital Roof (uncredited)) Teddy Mangean (Man on Roof (uncredited)) Henry Hebert (Best Man at Wedding (uncredited)) Bryan 'Slim' Hightower (Fish Driver (uncredited)) Mitchell Ingraham (Politician (uncredited)) Philip Morris (Politician (uncredited)) Francis Sayles (Politician (uncredited)) George W. Jimenez (Waiter at Inquirer Party (uncredited)) Ellen Lowe (Ms. Townsend (uncredited)) James T. Mack (Prompter (uncredited)) Mickey Martin (Newsboy (uncredited)) Bruce Sidney (Newsman (uncredited)) Major McBride (Shadowgraph Man (uncredited)) Frank McLure ((uncredited)) Charles Meakin (Civic Leader (uncredited)) Edward Peil Jr. (Civic Leader (uncredited)) Irving Mitchell (Dr. Corey (uncredited)) Frances E. Neal (Ethel (uncredited)) Lillian Nicholson (Woman at Opera (uncredited)) Joseph North (Secretary (uncredited)) William H. O'Brien (Secretary (uncredited)) Field Norton (Opera Spectator (uncredited)) Dick Scott (Opera Spectator (uncredited)) Frank O'Connor (Man at Madison Square Garden (uncredited)) Russ Powell (Man at Madison Square Garden (uncredited)) Bert Stevens (Man at Madison Square Garden (uncredited)) Thomas Pogue (Man (uncredited)) Lillian O'Malley (Woman in Front of Chronicle Building (uncredited)) Jack Raymond (Stagehand (uncredited)) Gohr Van Vleck (Stagehand (uncredited)) Myrtle Rishell (Big Governess (uncredited)) Benny Rubin (Smather (uncredited)) Shimen Ruskin (Hireling (uncredited)) George Sherwood (Hireling (uncredited)) Edward Ryan (Man in Inquirer City Room (uncredited)) Landers Stevens (Senate Investigator (uncredited)) Harry J. Vejar (Portuguese Laborer (uncredited)) Tudor Williams (Chorus Master (uncredited)) Arthur Yeoman (Speaker (uncredited)) Tim Davis (Copy Boy (uncredited)) Charles Bennett (Entertainer (uncredited)) Arthur Kay (Orchestra Leader (Uncredited)) John Alban (Reporter (uncredited)) Finn Zirzow (Audience Member (uncredited)) Sam Harris (Newsreel Man (uncredited)) Dorothy Cleveland (Woman in Front of Chronicle Building (uncredited))

Obywatel Kane gdzie obejrzeć?

Film Obywatel Kane można obejrzeć w programie stacji:

Emisje filmu miały lub będą miały miejsce w: Warner TV (d. TNT)

Lata produkcji

Lista zawiera lata, w których powstawała audycja:

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